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Kids & Apps Part 1

 As kids get older, they become more interested in using apps on their smartphones and tablets. While some apps are perfectly safe and age-appropriate, others can be dangerous for children. As a parent, it's important to be aware of the most popular apps your kids are using, so you can make sure they're staying safe online.

Understanding the app landscape

It's no secret that kids love using apps. In fact, a recent study showed that kids under the age of 8 spend an average of 2 hours and 19 minutes per day using mobile devices and teens over 7 hours per day. That's a lot of time spent on screens!

As a parent, it's important to be aware of the most popular apps your kids are using. Some apps are age-appropriate, while others can be dangerous and inappropriate for children. Here is a list of the top 5 app categories parents should know their kids are using:

1.      Social Media Apps: Kids love staying connected with their friends and family on social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. While there are some great things about social media, there are also some dangers that parents need to be aware of. For example, cyberbullying is a real problem on social media platforms. Parents should talk to their kids about online safety and make sure they know how to report any inappropriate behavior they see on social media.

2.      Messaging Apps: Messaging apps like WhatsApp and iMessage are popular among kids for staying in touch with friends. However, these apps can also be used for cyberbullying and other inappropriate behavior. Parents should talk to their kids about responsible use of messaging apps and make sure they know how to report any problems.

3.      Gaming Apps: Gaming apps are extremely popular among kids of all ages. While there are many age-appropriate and safe games out there, parents need to be aware of the dangers of some gaming apps. For example, some games may contain violence, sexual content, or in-app purchases that can add up quickly. Parents should carefully review the games their kids are playing and make sure they are appropriate for their age.

4.      Camera Apps: Camera apps like Snapchat and Instagram are popular among kids for sharing photos and videos with friends. However, these apps can also be used to share inappropriate photos and videos. Parents should talk to their kids about responsible use of camera apps and make sure they know how to report any problems.

5.      Shopping Apps: Shopping apps like Amazon and eBay are popular among kids for buying items online. However, these apps can also be used to make in-app purchases that can add up quickly. Parents should carefully review the apps their kids are using and make sure they are appropriate for their age.

Learn how ExperienceIQ content controls from Mid Century Fiber can give you freedom to control app usage and screen times, focus for your kids attention, and get back more quality family time.

This is part 1 of a 4 part series, so be on the lookout for part 2! As always if you have any questions on streaming, smart home, or just technology in general feel free to reach out to us at One Source by calling 309-778-8611 or by emailing us at 


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